Selection (GER)

2023 Ambulant betreut Wohnen - Potentiale für die zukünftige Pflegeversorgung im Landkreis Meißen
Outpatient assisted living – potential for future care in the Meißen district
Auftraggeber: Landkreis Meißen PDF-DOWNLOAD
2019 Planungsleitfaden ambulant betreute Wohngemeinschaften
(Planning Guideline for Sheltered Flats with Ambulant Care for the Elderly)

With Dr. Sigrid Loch, Stuttgart University Federal state government publication.
2014 Mehr Generationendialog in Gemeinschaftswohnprojekten
(Increasing Crossgenerational Dialogue in Shared Housing Project)

Federal state government publication. Stuttgart PDF-DOWNLOAD
2009 SONG - Soziales neu gstalten:
Zukunft Quartier – Lebensräume zum Älterwerden
(Network Redesigning Social Life in Residential Environments:
Future of the Neighborhood – Opportunities for Growing Old)
Focus I: Mixed Care. Elderly People in balance between self-help and professional support.
Bertelsmann Foundation, Gütersloh

SONG - Soziales neu gestalten:
Zukunft Quartier - Lebensräume zum Älterwerden
(Network Redesigning Social Life in Residential Environments:
Strengths and Weaknesses of inter-generational Residential Project)
Future of the Neighborhood – Opportunities for Growing Old.
Volume 1: Potentials of Selected Residential Projects
Bertelsmann Foundation, Gütersloh

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