
  • Analysis of cross-generational residential projects
  • Spatial and social parameters for independent living in old age
  • Potentials and Strategies of housing providers dealing with senior tenants
  • Effects of balancing self-help and professional support in housing and care
  • Biographic experiences and residential choices of women in old age


  • Public sector: Federal, state and local government
  • Housing sector organisations and companies
  • Charities
  • Foundations

Research Projects

2023 Ambulant betreut Wohnen - Potentiale für die zukünftige Pflegeversorgung im Landkreis Meißen
Outpatient assisted living – potential for future care in the Meißen district (GER)
Landkreis Meißen
(see publications)
2016/19 Planungsleitfaden ambulant betreute Wohngemeinschaften
Planning Guideline for Sheltered Flats with Ambulant Care for the Elderly (GER)
with Dr. Sigrid Loch, University of Stuttgart
Federal state government publication. Stuttgart
(see publications)

Mehr Generationendialog in Gemeinschaftswohnprojekten
Increasing Intergenerational Dialogue in Shared Housing Projects (GER)
Federal state government publication. Stuttgart
(see publications)


Hochaltrigkeit in Gemeinschaftswohnprojekten – Potentiale und Problemfelder
High Seniority / Old Age in Shared Residential Projects – Potentials and Problems (Long term study, ongoing)

seit 2008

Wohnbiografien und Wohnentscheidungen hochaltriger Frauen
Residential Biographies and Decisions of Women in old age (Long term study, ongoing)


Netzwerk Soziales neu gestalten (SONG)
Zukunft Quartier – Lebensräume zum Älterwerden
Themenschwerpunkt 1: Hilfe-Mix: Ältere Menschen in Balance zwischen Selbsthilfe und professioneller Unterstützung

Network Redesigning Social Life in Residential Environments
Future in the Neighbourhood – Opportunities for Growing Old. Focus I: Mixed Care. Elderly People in balance between self-help and professional support.
Bertelsmann Foundation, Gütersloh
(see publications)


Netzwerk Soziales neu gestalten (SONG),
Network Redesigning Social Life in Residential Environments.
Strengths and Weaknesses of cross-generational Residential Projects.
Future in the Neighbourhood – Opportunities for Growing Old. Volume 1: Potentials of Selected Residential Projects.
Bertelsmann Foundation, Gütersloh
(see publications)


Vermeidung von Wohnungsleerständen durch Wohn- und Serviceangebote für ältere Menschen
Avoiding Vacancies in Housing through Residential and Support Services for Elderly People.
Analysing Adaptation of flats and services to the needs of the Elderly in various
Federal States in Germany.
Research Project for the Federal Ministry of Housing
(see publications)

2004 Dissertation: Integrierte Wohnmodelle in der Nutzungsphase
A Study of the criteria, parameters and performance of four pilot projects within the Federal Government funded programme “Experimental Housing and Urban Development (ExWoSt)â€
Published by: Kuratorium Deutsche Altershilfe (KDA): Forum 39, Köln,
(Download publikation with English abstract)


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